Tuesday, February 24, 2009


gonna go from this...

...to this.  well, not exactly...the "texas" shots are from the taylor rodeo and my grandma's house, not from my actual departure location, but i've had plenty of shots from austin on the blog and suburban houston is quite boring to look at, so i thought rural texas would do.  ADIOS TEJAS, HOLA NUEVA YORK!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

those thieving birds

Some film shots from San Antonio...I almost forgot how much I love my AE-1.

random fisheyeness

the on-camera flash kinda sucks but toy or no toy, i heart this camera.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

the road home

starring adden brody...

...who started the trip from San Antonio by jumping into Joey's car and telling Amy (his mom) and I that he'd rather go home with him.  We grubbed down on some comida mexicana in Seguin, stopped in Flatonia to visit Amy's grandparents in the Czech cemetery, jammed Incubus and Matisyahu on the open road, and finally made it back to Houston some hours later...all in all a good mini-roadtrip, even with an energetic 6 year-old eating cupcakes in the back seat.


Some late night Beatles jammage at Chris and Matt's SA abode.  Lovely to see old friends and hear good music, not to mention learning the virtues of a decent jumping roundhouse kick, which, sadly, I did not photograph...

Second Saturday

Joey and I went to the monthly art show at LoneStar Studios in San Antonio.  This month's festivities highlighted "found art" with some very interesting results.  Many thanks to Sean FitzGibbons for having us; if you are feelling curious, check out www.107lonestar.com, if you are ever in SA, stop by the studio and have a look-see...you will enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Ari and I got caught in a torrential downpour / hailstorm on the way home from the dog and duck and had wait out the mayhem in a parking garage...i think we shoulda just stayed at pint night for 30 more minutes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


found this while purging my computer of old images...

post "women in photojournalism" conference in august 2007, we wanted lasagne but lacked the necessary equipment, so i improvised with a wok...