Wednesday, January 28, 2009

clouds bring the f-stop blues

old school negs from first attempt at shooting tri-x...circa 1999-2000

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Papa's birthday

birthday boy

lens lesson with a curious cousin...

who seems to be quite a texting addict...teenagers...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

keep austin busy

a 3-day blur of lights, music, friends, dancing, and alcohol...manymanymany thanks to the ari for letting me crash and not wanting me to leave.

familiar faces

had a mini-reunion type thing with my preschoolers this past weekend in austin...the kids are taller, and the babies have hair, but other than that, nothing much has changed in the past year, well, except that i can no longer remain upright when four of them decide to bum rush me for fun.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

on my doorstep

life is just better at f1.4


Ghana girl...

...needs to learn that cheesecake canNOT be good for teeny tiny yorkie arteries...all the best in your African ya in South Africa (hopefully) this spring!

the great wall of angina

Elizabeth and Sarah gave it a valiant effort, but the "great wall of chocolate" proved too much for them