Monday, July 19, 2010

waterfront love

Jelly Pool Party, Williamsburg

Giglio Festival, Williamsburg

Siren Festival 2K10

a nitty gritty awesome music festival in coney island


A fine Fourth of July in the park

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pride 2010

Hands down the happiest parade of the year!

World Naked Bike Ride Day!

shameless aviator self portrait...

Pianos, Lower East Side

Neon Harmony Blog Party/twoKITTENSchocolateKISSES show

roof dwellers

impromptu grilling session on the roof with my new neighbors


So over Open Studios Weekend, passed out under her owner's pictures. A true photog dog...

down kent

another night in the 'hood

lone star snapshots

Somewhere along Hwy 59 between Houston and Victoria

Cousin Katie, Robstown

Mustang Island

pagan easter in the park

getting saucy in mccarren...

orbit a go go

gamut blowing night in screwston